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Travel Tips for a Hot Summer

By July 10, 2012April 14th, 2022No Comments

If you hit the road on the Fourth of July, you most likely experienced the heavy traffic, possible thunderstorms, and extreme heat. However, this type of weather is not specific to only the holiday. Most likely, you will be caught in a heat wave or a downpour at another time this summer. If this happens, will you know how to remain safe on your bike? If an unpredictable collision or injury occurs, you will need the support of Michigan motorcycle insurance.

Weather conditions in the summer can make all the difference to enjoying your motorcycle ride or not. However, during the unpredictable temperatures and precipitation of the summer, you should be prepared. The following are some things you can do as a rider to keep cool:


• Although freeways tend to make journeys much quicker, they usually involve a lot of direct sunlight. Therefore, try looking for shade to escape the heat, such as under a tree. Also, try avoiding routes that include lots of stop lights. Not only will the engine get hot very quickly, but the heat from both the road and the engine will rise to make you very hot. Finally, check your route before riding to make sure you can avoid traffic jams and road construction so you aren’t stuck in extreme heat for long period of time.

• No matter where your riding trip leads you, always plan it with safety in mind. Make sure to bring a cell phone and that it is charged before you go. Also, take enough water to last at least half a day in case you are stranded, and it is always good practice to let someone know when and where you are going. Finally, a folding umbrella is a good idea to bring during rain or shine so you can shield yourself from the heat and water.

At Ron Jackson Insurance Agency, we hope you follow these tips on your next trip. As a motorcyclist, you face different risks than drivers do. The hot weather will affect your health much more quickly than it would a driver in an air conditioned car. Therefore, putting your well being first will allow you to be prepared for the worst. Another way to ensure your protection is through our Michigan motorcycle insurance. This policy can help protect you against the financial burdens a motorcycle accident can cause. Your coverage options can include roadside assistance, medical payments, bodily injury, property damage, and much more. As the summer heats up, you can remain safe under the umbrella of our solution.
